Archive for February, 2017

Busy and Working hard

Posted: February 18, 2017 by Simone Young in Disability and depression
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I have been a very busy person and I have been working on video’s and the squeal to Spilt Blood and Dark Side of Humanity. I have been enjoying keeping busy, staying busy and I will stay that way until I’ve finished the book, that’s normal for me.

I love writing so much that I miss it but I don’t realize that I am working so hard. I enjoy being so busy. I have two video’s banked that are waiting to be released and I may share one later today.

I have also started a new hobby that also keeps me busy and active. I have recently shared a few viseos about my disability and what it’s like. Which it sucks. 

So I’ll rry and upsate more often. 

Have an awesome weekend


Hello there world,

Today was a good day, I was up late last night and recorded two video’s, one of which is up and live. Click her to watch the video.

I have a plan that is a rotation.

Week one:- Simone’s Writing Workshop Podcast.

Week two:- Simone’s Craft Podcast.

Week three:- Living with EDS and an invisible disability

Week four:- is a general discussion of what’s going on on the internet, which includes what’s going on, a scum of the internet and various different bits of internet drama, etc.

I hope that my body allows me to stick to this timetable. Cross my fingers.

I am working on Poisoned by Blood Book 3 and I can’t wait to share it with you, I really am looking forward to it and will do so as soon as I can, I am busy transfering the first draft from paper to digital format. I only hope that people enjoy it as much as they did the first two.

Have fun
