Archive for October, 2012


Posted: October 21, 2012 by Simone Young in Current and Active Works, Dyslexia, Horror Stories and Novels
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Hello readers

I’ve managed to finish another novel I just need to type it up and proof read it. It is book one of ten and is a a tale about vampires and is different from others. Well I think it is.

I have written notes for the other nine books. It started as a piece to keep me busy when I couldn’t sleep at night. I have worked on it for just over a week and I have managed to finish it.

Will be typing it up over the next week and will work on it. Twisted is finished but I need a few good health days to get those corrections done. I have a lot of work ahead. Busy busy bee is me.

Stay tuned for more info.

Happy Writing


Hello reader,

I’m glad I have some new readers on board and welcome guys.

“Red Eyes” had sold five copies in the first two days which is a great start. It really has given me the motivation to get working on other projects. I have some destined for here and some for publication but I have some serious work ahead of me.

I have received an opportunity to interview another Aurthor and activist against Domestic Abuse Freedom and Empowerment Kate Garner and will be emailing her the questions over this next week. She’s just been interview by my friend Sandra Sandras blog so will let that interview run before I put mine up. Hoping to work closely with this and three other charities over the coming years with donating some of the pennies from book sales to them.

Please have a look at “Red Eyes” and help raise some money for East Lancs hospice and stay tuned as there are some good things coming up soon.

Happy writing


Hi guys,

You may recall that not long ago I told you all that I was having a short story being published in an anthology and was excited about it. Well there was a slight change of plans. Its been published solo and is avalable for four weeks for Halloween.

Red Eyes is a tale about a young girl who discovers that she is not quite what she thinks and has to resist some urges.

A shout out to Nicola Ormerod of Vamptasy Publishing for all her help with this and her help with my other projects you are a star.

Please check it out guys. All proceeds go to charity.

For those that asked me to put on my saucy Supernatural Fan Fiction I will type it up and post it but warning it will be filled with adult content.

Have fun reading Red Eyes.

Happy writing
